Entries are accepted by snail mail ($75 check or $80 for the Masters), email, phone, text, verbally to any director,
by paying via PayPal or by using the form below.
If you are not feeling well, showing any symptoms for COVID (lack of taste/smell, headache, flu like sympoms, etc.), awaiting test results, tested positive or living with someone who tested positive, you are not allowed to bowl. If you have previously entered, please use the form below to cancel your entry.
Michana Bowlers Association
1505 Marigold Way #311
South Bend, IN 46617
Tel: 574.276.7400
Regular Tournament Entry:
$75 + $3.25 fee / entry

Masters Invitational Entry:
$80 + $3.50 fee / entry

Membership Fee (New):
$35 + $2.00 fee
Membership Fee (Renewal):
$25 + $1.75 fee

Please enter all names you wish to enter, your email address in case we have any questions, the tournment location and any optional message.
All entries are confirmed upon receipt of the MBA. Cancellations must be communicated to the MBA prior to the start of the tournament. Per the MBA By-Laws, any confirmed entry that results in a no call/no show is subject to a $20 fine and suspension from the MBA until such fine is paid.